I am using autoIt to handle the saveAs dialog box in selenium java. Here, I should save the pdf file in required directory
ControlFocus("Save As","","Edit1")
ControlSend("Save As","","Edit1","-----My file path\file_name.pdf")
ControlClick("Save As","","Button2")
Is it possible to add today's date or last weekend date(Saturday) in my file name and send in the file path to get saved?
Does this help you out?
Dim $Y, $M, $D
$today = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2)
ConsoleWrite($today & @CRLF ) ; Regional settings today
$today_format = @YEAR &'-' & @MON & '-' & @MDAY
ConsoleWrite($today_format & @CRLF ) ; fixed format today
$lastSaturday = _DayValueToDate(_DateToDayValue(@YEAR, @MON, @MDAY) - _DateToDayOfWeek(@YEAR, @MON, @MDAY), $Y, $M, $D)
ConsoleWrite($lastSaturday & @CRLF) ; last SATURDAY
$yourPathWithDate = "My file path\" & $today_format & "_file_name.pdf"
ConsoleWrite($yourPathWithDate & @CRLF)
ControlFocus("Save As","","Edit1")
ControlSend("Save As","","Edit1","My file path\file_name.pdf")
ControlClick("Save As","","Button2")