I have a modalpopupextender
control that is used to upload and crop an image before saving it to the file system.
MPE shows a file upload control first, when the user uploads a file, it shows the cropping section beneath it with the uploaded image. It works the first time, it shows the image and using Jcrop javascript/jquery
file, I can crop the frame and save the cropped image.
The code that initializes Jcrop is below in the jQuery(window).load
onChange: update,
onSelect: update,
aspectRatio: myRatio,
bgColor: 'white',
bgOpacity: 0.5
But the problem happens when the user tries to upload another file again without closing the popup. It does not run the update method for jcrop which I believe only runs on the first time the popup is loaded. I need to attach something like a live event handler to it but i'm unable to do so. I tried attaching a bind event as below but it does not work.
$.Jcrop(image).bind('setOptions', { onChange: update,
onSelect: update,
aspectRatio: forcedRatio,
bgColor: 'black',
bgOpacity: 0.6
}, function () {
Has anyone used JCrop in a similar fashion before or any ideas on how to handle this?
For future visitors, I was able to make it work by having the setOptions event inside the window.focus
instead of window.load
jQuery(window).focus(function () {
$.Jcrop(image).setOptions({ ..... });