I have defined the file that references my custom ActivationStrategy in META-INF/Services/ as explained by the Togglz library for custom strategy (https://www.togglz.org/documentation/activation-strategies.html), since I need to resolve whether or not it is activated through another logic that is in another Service. Now how do I inject this service that I need to consume? Since when trying the following:
class ActivationStrategyByProfile(private val profileService : ProfileService) : ActivationStrategy {
override fun getId(): String {
return ID
override fun getName(): String {
return NAME
override fun isActive(
featureState: FeatureState,
user: FeatureUser?
): Boolean {
val profileId = user?.name
return profileService.validateProfile(profileId)
My file in /META-INF/services/org.togglz.core.spi.ActivationStrategy contain:
It returns the following error, mentioning that the reference that I have specified in the file, does not include parameters, I understand:
...ActivationStrategyByProfile Unable to get public no-arg constructor
How can I inject the dependency of my service? Can it be done by changing the extended file used by the Java ServiceLoader mechanism? Something like specifying the service as a parameter?
The solution was quite simple, the configuration allows you to directly specify the strategy you want to implement:
fun activationStrategyProvider(
activationStrategies: List<ActivationStrategy>,
activationStrategyByProfile: ActivationStrategyByProfile
): ActivationStrategyProvider? {
val activationStrategyProvider = DefaultActivationStrategyProvider()
return activationStrategyProvider