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How to assign data to a register in chisel?

I initialized two registers in my accelerator like

val one = RegInit(0.U(5.W))
val two = RegInit(0.U(5.W))

If I have loaded a data to my rs1(R-type instruction) in my C test code, I wanted to assign this value to my self-defined register 'one'. I also want to multiply the value in register 'one' and register 'two' then give the result back to my 'rs1'. Is it possible to do those operations in chisel language?


  • You use the connection operator := to connect the output of one register to the input of another:

    val rs1 = RegInit(0.U(5.W))
    val one = RegInit(0.U(5.W))
    val two = RegInit(0.U(5.W))
    one := rs1
    rs1 := one * two

    Note that because registers are clocked, the value of a connection propagates to the value of the register on the next rising clock edge.