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Json deserialization with member names with leading or trailing spaces

Is it possible to deserialize a Json string to an object if Json string has member names with leading/trailing white spaces. I am using Newtonsoft.Json as my serialization library.

For example following is my object type:

public class Sample
    public ComplexType Default {get; set;}
public class ComplexType
    public IEnumerable<string> Data {get; set;}

What I want is if I have below Json string then also it should be deserialized to a valid Sample object. Note there are trailing whitespaces in the name below. Decorating "Default" member with [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Default ")] in the class is not an option because theoretically I can have any number of leading and/or trailing whitespaces.

    "Default   ":

Please let me know if there is any out of the box support in Newtonsoft.Json or other approach to solve this. I am looking for a generic solution which can work for any Object structure.

UPDATE: Updated object structure and expected solution.


  • You can't just change JObject property name, it is read only. You can only create a new json object using this code for example

        var sampleObj=new JObject();
        var jsonParsed=JObject.Parse(json);
        foreach (var prop in jsonParsed.Properties())
       Sample sample=sampleObj.ToObject<Sample>();


    if your object is very complicated , you just have to add the code to iterate children objects. Or maybe it makes some sense to use RegEx for example to fix a json string.