Search code examples

MongoDB $lookup on array of objects with reference objectId

I have Orders collection and iam getting the data from it as shown below:

    "_id": "628216b7b30bb8aa80c8fd1a",
    "promotionsDetails": {
      "companyTotalPrice": 27,
      "promotionsData": [
          "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897f",
          "price": 27,
          "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a36"
          "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897d",
          "price": 19,
          "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a32"
    "_id": "628214fcb30bb8aa80c8fd18",
    "promotionsDetails": {
      "companyTotalPrice": 46,
      "promotionsData": [
          "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897f",
          "price": 46,
          "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a32",

what I am trying to do is to get the company details from the companies collection using the companyId objectId in each object in the array, like below:

    "_id": "628216b7b30bb8aa80c8fd1a",
    "promotionsDetails": {
      "companyTotalPrice": 27,
      "promotionsData": [
          "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897f",
          "price": 27,
          "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a36",
          "companyData": { "title": "..." }
          "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897d",
          "price": 19,
          "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a32",
          "companyData": { "title": "..." }
    "_id": "628214fcb30bb8aa80c8fd18",
    "promotionsDetails": {
      "companyTotalPrice": 46,
      "promotionsData": [
          "_id": "621de063bb5f9f0bf510897f",
          "price": 46,
          "companyId": "621dd85eb45ca2ae292d9a32",
          "companyData": { "title": "..." }

i have tried to use lookup and pipeline, but I'm not getting the desired result, thanks!


  • Here, to make it more clear take a look at Mongo playground

        $unwind: "$promotionsDetails.promotionsData"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "Company",
          "localField": "promotionsDetails.promotionsData.companyId",
          "foreignField": "_id",
          "as": "promotionsDetails.promotionsData.companyData"