New to DI and guice..
I want to use a service (StoreLevelClient) This is a class defined by other team.
I inject this class in my main file like this:
class ClientAccessor {
companion object {
private val LOGGER = KotlinLogging.logger { }
private val myStoreLevelClient: StoreLevelClient =
And made a module file for the StoreLevelClient like below:
class ServiceModule : AbstractModule() {
fun getClient(myServiceClient : KasServiceClient): StoreLevelClient {
return StoreLevelClient(myServiceClient, AppConfigObject.trackedDocument, AppConfigObject.appConfigFallback)
It gave me errors: Caused by: Unable to provision, see the following errors: 3 2022-05-20T18:27:50.800-07:00 1) No implementation for com.kasservice.KasServiceClient was bound. 4 2022-05-20T18:27:50.800-07:00 while locating com.kasservice.KasServiceClient 5 2022-05-20T18:27:50.800-07:00 for the 1st parameter of com.myservice.dependency.ServiceModule.getClient
The KasServiceClient is also from other's So I @Provides it in the ServiceModule as well:
fun getService(
cloudAuthCredentialVisitor: CloudAuthDefaultCredentialsVisitor,
metricsAwareCallVisitor: MetricsAwareCallVisitor,
retryStrategy: RetryStrategy<*>
): KasServiceClient {
val domain = AppConfig.findString(DOMAIN)
val realm = AppConfig.getRealm().name()
val qualifier = "$domain.$realm"
return ClientBuilder()
.withCallVisitors(cloudAuthCredentialVisitor, metricsAwareCallVisitor, CallAttachmentVisitor(Calls.retry(retryStrategy)))
But it gave me errors like below:
Could not find a suitable constructor in Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with @Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
Could not find a suitable constructor in Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with @Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
The CloudAuthDefaultCredentialsVisitor and MetricsAwareCallVisitor are use @Provides and instantiate already. So I don't know why guice can't find them...??
Any idea for this?? I wonder I have some mistake when using Guice. But I have hard time to debug and find
Solved the problem by changing the way of inject:
Instead use:
class ClientAccessor {
companion object {
private val LOGGER = KotlinLogging.logger { }
private val myStoreLevelClient: StoreLevelClient =
Tried this:
class ClientAccessor @Inject constructor(private val myStoreLevelClient: StoreLevelClient){
companion object {
private val LOGGER = KotlinLogging.logger { }
use @Inject instead of using the createInjector manually on particular modules, let guice inject it for us. When I tried to directly use createInjector in instantiating in my code, it will only lookup the specified module and not able to load other modules.