I want to invert a value of bit in digit.
The method should invert value by number of bit, like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
int res = flipBit(7,1);
public static int flipBit(int value, int bitIndex) {
String bin = Integer.toBinaryString(value);
char newChar = (char) (bin.charAt(bitIndex) ^ bin.charAt(bitIndex));
//pseudo code
bin[bitIndex] = newChar;
return Integer.parseInt(bin);
Mixing mix bitwise operations and strings will not improve the performance and reduces the redubility of code.
Assuming that bitIndex
is zero-based, it might be done using XOR operator like that (credits to @Iłya Bursov since he has pointed out it earlier in the comments):
public static int flipBit(int value, int bitIndex) {
if (bitIndex < 0 || bitIndex > 31) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return value ^ 1 << bitIndex;
A quick recap on how XOR works.
1 ^ 1 => 0
0 ^ 1 => 1
1 ^ 0 => 1
0 ^ 0 => 0
That means zeros 0
in the bit-mask 1 << bitIndex
, created by shifting the value of 1
by the given index, will have no impact on the result while applying XOR.
Only a single significant bit of the mask would interact with the value: if it would encounter 1
, this bit would be turned into 0
, or if there would be 0
at the same position it would result into 1
value = 7
, index = 2
111 - value
100 - bit-mask `1 << bitIndex`
011 - result is `3`
value = 0
, index = 0
000 - value
001 - bit-mask `1 << bitIndex`
001 - result is `1`