I'm very new to C and i am trying to understand some notions about memory concepts. I already took a look at basic pointer functionality and wanted to try and make a function that calculates quadratic functions. The problem is that i needed my function to return an array (for result x1 and x2), and since that's not possible in C, i was left with heaps and poiners. I built this code and it works just fine but since C is so complex i wanted a second (or a third, fourth :D) opinion on this, specifically at the HeapAlloc
and *result_ptr
pointer arithmetic.
Is this correct? Can it cause any problem? Or is this the right way to do it? I honestly dont have any clue, all i know is that it works for now.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <heapapi.h>
float * bhaskara_heap(float a, float b, float c, HANDLE SysHeap){ // Returns the pointer for where the result is stored
float delta = sqrt((b * b) - (4 * (a * c)));
float divisor = 2 * a;
float plus_x = ((-1 * b) + delta) / 2;
float minus_x = ((-1 * b) - delta) / 2;
* @brief Here, i use a pre-defined Handle to allocate 8 bytes (2 floats * 4 bytes),
* then, i fill the address with the first value and the next one (ptr + 1) with the other value
float *result_ptr = HeapAlloc(SysHeap, HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, 8);
*result_ptr = plus_x;
*(result_ptr + 1) = minus_x;
return result_ptr;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
float a = atof(argv[1]);
float b = atof(argv[2]);
float c = atof(argv[3]);
* @brief Creates a Heap in the virtual memory space,
* with a min-size of 512 bytes, and dynamic max-size
float *test = bhaskara_heap(a, b, c, SysHeap); // Calculates the quadratic function and store results in the defined memory space
printf("O endereço de result_ptr é: %x\nE o de result_ptr + 1 é: %x\n", test,(test + 1));
printf("O valor de result_ptr é: %f\n", *test);
HeapFree(SysHeap, 0, test); // Here, i free the memory before "displaying" the last result, for test purposes
printf("O segundo valor de result_ptr é: %f\n", *(test+1));
HeapDestroy(SysHeap); // Destroys the heap and ends the proccess
The problem is that i needed my function to return an array (for result x1 and x2), and since that's not possible in C
The solution is to return a struct:
struct QuadraticSolution {
_Complex double x1;
_Complex double x2;
struct QuadraticSolution solveQuadraticEquation(double a, double b, double c) {
// ... calculate x1 and x2 ...
struct QuadraticSolution res = {x1, x2};
return res;