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How deserialize plain String to Json using Jackson in Java?

I have a simple class as property of mage:

// getter/setter omitted for brevity
public class Magic() {
  String Spell;
  int strength;

public class Mage() {
  String name;
  Magic magic;

I need to deserialize JSON from 2 different source strings:

  "name" : "Sauron",
  "magic" : {
        "spell" : "Tamador",
        "strenght" : 10


  "name" : "Gandalf",
  "magic" : "You shall not pass"

or even "You shall not pass" -> Magic object

I thought going with @JsonDeserialize(using = MagicDeserializer.class) would be the way to go with Jackson, but the Parser barfs with "Unrecognized token". Is there a way I can intercept the loading to do my own parsing?


  • The idea of a custom deserializer is correct, you can extends the StdDeserializer class and in its deserialize method convert the json to a JsonNode separating the two Stringand Object distinct values associated to the magic key in the json:

    public class MagicDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<Magic> {
        public MagicDeserializer() {
        public Magic deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext dc) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
            final ObjectCodec codec = jp.getCodec();
            JsonNode root = codec.readTree(jp);
            Magic magic = new Magic();
            if (root.isTextual()) { //<- magic is a string
                return magic;
            //ok, so magic is an Magic object
            return codec.treeToValue(root, Magic.class);

    Then if you annotate your Magic field you can deserialize both the jsons:

    public class Mage {
        private String name;
        @JsonDeserialize(using = MagicDeserializer.class)
        private Magic magic;
    public class Magic {
        private String Spell;
        private int strength;
    Mage sauron = mapper.readValue(json1, Mage.class);
    Mage gandalf = mapper.readValue(json2, Mage.class);