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Instantiate VHDL entity with 2D array from SystemVerilog

There seems to be very little documentation on how to pass 2D arrays between VHDL and SystemVerilog. I have a port of the following type in VHDL:

package my_package is
    type my_array_t is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
end my_package

entity my_entity is
        my_input  : in  my_array_t(M-1 downto 0);
        my_output : out my_array_t(M-1 downto 0);
end entity;

And the following SystemVerilog signal:

wire [N-1:0] my_input_s[M-1:0];
wire [N-1:0] my_output_s[M-1:0];

I believe these two types are completely equivalent. However, I can't go between each other without getting errors. Instantiating the VHDL module from SystemVerilog:

my_entity my_entity_inst(

The error I get is "formal port 'my_input' of type 'my_array_t' does not match with actual type 'logic'", similarly for the output signal. I tried different combination of array types in SystemVerilog (fully packed, fully unpacked) but none works. Note that in my case, I don't have the freedom of changing the VHDL declaration, I must find a way to make it work solely from SystemVerilog. Thus, this question can't help me.

How do I instantiate my VHDL module from SystemVerilog in the most straightforward way?


  • To be successful in instantiating VHDL in Verilog or SV stick to the basic types (types built into the original VHDL, not custom packages) in VHDL such as std_logic and std_logic vector.

    For this case where you can't modify the VHDL file with custom port types, I recommend writing a VHDL wrapper (mydesign_wrapper.vhd) that instantiates the entity which uses the custom types and converts the ports to std_logic and std_logic_vector types for use at the top/entity of the wrapper design. Instantiate the new wrapper file in the Verilog or SystemVerilog file. An array of std_logic_vector would be represented as several std_logic_vector ports using the wrapper.

    There is no standard for VHDL inside Verilog/SV, therefore support is limited and varies between tools, vendors, and versions.