I am searching for a simple and free ASP.NET C# shoutbox/chat application, so i can integrate it in a small gamming portal.
The only important thing is that it should have some sort of "banned list", where the admin can ban and unban people.
So far i got no luck on finding something with this ban functionality, i hope you guys know something like this...
Thanks in advance
As it happened, Scott Hanselman posted about a little gem known as SignalR and how to use it to implement a very simple chat program just today. Pretty interesting stuff.
But can I make a chat application in 12 lines of code?
See it running here: http://chatapp.apphb.com/
The banning/unbanning feature you mention would need some work of your own though.
Not sure if its the easiest way to get chat into your site, but its certainly the most interesting :)