I have two packages ui
and app
in a "monorepo" using turborepo.
I have the ui repo with .tsx
files and it's not being built, it's package.json
is a typescript file.
However when running nextjs
I get an error at the import from the ui
main file.
Is it possible to include this node_module
from nextjs
perspective? When looking at config.module.rule
I can't find any rules for typescript files. I'm not sure how typescript config for nextjs files.
The turbo-repo example is using next-transpile-modules
in the apps to get Next to transpile these package dependencies that do not have a build step:
// in next.config.js
const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")(["ui"]);
module.exports = withTM({
reactStrictMode: true,
From this article by the creator of Turbo Repo, Jared Palmer:
[To] do this, this package can then be used without project references or a TypeScript build step (either via tsc or esbuild etc) as long as you adhere to 2 rules:
- The consuming application of an internal package must transpile and typecheck it.
- You should never publish an internal package to NPM. ...
If you use Next.js, you can satisfy these constraints with the next-transpile-modules plugin which will tell Next.js to run certain dependencies through its Webpack/Babel/TypeScript pipelines.
So make sure you're meeting the constraints outlined in the previous excerpt. Since you're using Next, check your next.config.js
and confirm that you're using next-transpile-modules
for your internal dependencies.