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Including local package in webpack build (turborepo)

I have two packages ui and app in a "monorepo" using turborepo.

I have the ui repo with .tsx files and it's not being built, it's package.json main is a typescript file.

However when running nextjs I get an error at the import from the ui main file.

Is it possible to include this node_module from nextjs perspective? When looking at config.module.rule I can't find any rules for typescript files. I'm not sure how typescript config for nextjs files.


  • The turbo-repo example is using next-transpile-modules in the apps to get Next to transpile these package dependencies that do not have a build step:

    // in next.config.js
    const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")(["ui"]);
    module.exports = withTM({
      reactStrictMode: true,

    From this article by the creator of Turbo Repo, Jared Palmer:

    [To] do this, this package can then be used without project references or a TypeScript build step (either via tsc or esbuild etc) as long as you adhere to 2 rules:

    1. The consuming application of an internal package must transpile and typecheck it.
    2. You should never publish an internal package to NPM. ...


    If you use Next.js, you can satisfy these constraints with the next-transpile-modules plugin which will tell Next.js to run certain dependencies through its Webpack/Babel/TypeScript pipelines.

    So make sure you're meeting the constraints outlined in the previous excerpt. Since you're using Next, check your next.config.js and confirm that you're using next-transpile-modules for your internal dependencies.