anyone can have code to encode the polyline(array of ) latitude and longitude value to the ascii string in java
for e.g.
my array was in java
this above value store into the List object as GeoPoint type like
List<GeoPoint> polyline
and want to convert into ascii string like this
I need method which accept array of latlng value and return the ascii string any help will be appreciate thanks in advance
I got the answer from this post
this two function was needed to encode the polyline array into the ascii string
private static String encodeSignedNumber(int num) {
int sgn_num = num << 1;
if (num < 0) {
sgn_num = ~(sgn_num);
private static String encodeNumber(int num) {
StringBuffer encodeString = new StringBuffer();
while (num >= 0x20) {
encodeString.append((char)((0x20 | (num & 0x1f)) + 63));
num >>= 5;
encodeString.append((char)(num + 63));
return encodeString.toString();
for testing try the co-ordinate from this site and compare the output
here is the snippet
StringBuffer encodeString = new StringBuffer();
String encode = Geo_Class.encodeSignedNumber(3850000)+""+Geo_Class.encodeSignedNumber(-12020000);
encode = Geo_Class.encodeSignedNumber(220000)+""+Geo_Class.encodeSignedNumber(-75000);
encode = Geo_Class.encodeSignedNumber(255200)+""+Geo_Class.encodeSignedNumber(-550300);
Log.v("encode string", encodeString.toString());
from the co-ordinate link you getting this point
Points: (38.5, -120.2), (40.7, -120.95), (43.252, -126.453)
ok so now you think the co-ordinate are why different see when you get new co-ordinate then you have subtract from the previous one for example
1. 3850000,-12020000 => 3850000,-12020000
2. 4070000,-12095000 => (4070000 - 3850000),(-12095000 - -12020000) => +220000, -75000
that value you have to pass to the encodeSignedNumber() method and you get the ascii value for that co-ordinate
and so on....