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Azure SQL and Database Vulnerability Assessment Scan via Azure CLI

I want to pro-grammatically turn on the 'Vulnerability Assessment Scan' at both Azure SQL server and database level. It should be re-occurring.

The project i am working on has many power shell scripts that call Az modules.

Do you know which Az modules I should call to set the 'Vulnerability Assessment Scan' as re-occurring?


  • I think you can use Azure Powershell command , 
    This above triggers the start of a vulnerability assessment scan on a database.
    The one below starts the instance scan.
    You can use the below script :
    # set parameters - resource group, server, database and storage account
    $params =  @{ rgname = "rg";
         serverName = "my-server";
         databaseName = "my-db";
         storageAccount = "mystorage"
    # Turn on ATP
    Enable-AzureRmSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtection -ResourceGroupName $params.rgname -ServerName $params.serverName
    # Set Vulnerability Assessment storage settings for all the databases in the server
    Get-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $params.rgname -ServerName $params.serverName | where {$_.DatabaseName -ne "master"}| Update-AzureRmSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSettings -StorageAccountName $params.storageAccount 
    # Update vulnerability assessment settings to turn ON recurring scans, and provide email to receive results
    $scanNotificationEmail = @("[email protected]")
    Get-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $params.rgname -ServerName $params.serverName| where {$_.DatabaseName -ne "master"} | Update-AzureRmSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSettings -RecurringScansInterval Weekly -NotificationEmail $scanNotificationEmail -EmailAdmins $true
    # Set Vulnerability Assessment baseline for rule VA1143 on all the databases in the server 
    $ruleId = "VA1143"
    $baselineResult = @( '1')
    Get-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $params.rgname -ServerName $params.serverName | where {$_.DatabaseName -ne "master"} | Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaseline -RuleId $ruleId -BaselineResult $baselineResult
    # Run a new scan on a database
    $scanId1 = "custom-scan1"
    $scanJob = Start-AzureRmSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScan -ResourceGroupName $params.rgname -ServerName $params.serverName -DatabaseName $params.databaseName -ScanId $scanId1 -AsJob
    $scanJob | Wait-Job
    $scanRecord = $scanJob | Receive-Job
    # Convert the raw scan results to an Excel file
    $convertScanResult = Convert-AzureRmSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScan  -ResourceGroupName $params.rgname -ServerName $params.serverName -DatabaseName $params.databaseName -ScanId $scanId1
    # Download the scan results Excel summary file
    $connectionStringToStorageAccount = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=......."
    $convertedScanResultsDownloadLocalFolder = "C:\ScanResults\"
    $storageAccountContext = New-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $connectionStringToStorageAccount
    $convertScanResultSplitted = $convertScanResult.ExportedReportLocation -split "/"
    $containerName = $convertScanResultSplitted
    Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Blob ($convertScanResult.ExportedReportLocation -split $containerName + '/')[1]  -Container $containerName -Destination $convertedScanResultsDownloadLocalFolder -Context $storageAccountContext