I am using Jinja2 to perform code generation.
Besides the trivial problem to generate correctly indented code I also would like to perform certain in-line alignments; example use-cases would be:
A small excerpt of (1) would be:
Sound_Chime_t chime_array[] = {
{%- for k, cmd in commands.items() %}
"{{ cmd['Sound Command'] }}", // command
"{{ cmd['tag'] }}", // tag
{{ cmd['Priority'] }}, // priority
{{ cmd['Mix'] }}, // mix
{{ cmd['Loop'] }}, // loop
{{ cmd['region'] }}, // region
"{{ cmd['Sound File']}}" // filename
}{{ ',' if not loop.last else '' }}
{%- endfor %}
Of course //...
is nicely aligned in template, but it won't be in generated code.
Is there some (not too convoluted) way to obtain this?
You can align the comments using two .format()
calls. The second one is required by the occasional quotation marks and commas after a value. This will pad the values to 20:
Sound_Chime_t chime_array[] = {
{%- for k, cmd in commands.items() %}
{{ '{:<20} // command'.format('"{}",'.format(cmd['Sound Command'])) }}
{{ '{:<20} // tag'.format('"{},"'.format(cmd['tag'])) }}
{{ '{:<20} // priority'.format('{},'.format(cmd['Priority'])) }}
{{ '{:<20} // mix'.format('{},'.format(cmd['Mix'])) }}
{{ '{:<20} // loop'.format('{},'.format(cmd['Loop'])) }}
{{ '{:<20} // region'.format('{},'.format(cmd['region'])) }}
{{ '{:<20} // filename'.format('"{}"'.format(cmd['Sound File'])) }}
}{{ ',' if not loop.last else '' }}
{%- endfor %}