Here is a simple script that detect if I am authenticated
if [[ $(sfdx auth:list | grep -c "") -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "sfdx not authenticated, please run : sfdx force:auth:web:login -s -a orgname"
# echo "DEBUG : config:list [$(sfdx config:list)]" #same output as interactive mode
# echo "DEBUG : auth:list [$(sfdx auth:list)]" #no value returned via cron
exit 5
sfdx is authenticated for my user in "$HOME"/.sfdc/[email protected]
so my script proceed when run manually
When I run the bash file via cron (crontab -e
with 03 * * * * /path/
), the auth:list
has no entry even though sfdx config:list
does have the configured entry
I tried to source my ~/.profile
and ~/.bash_profile
files to no avail.
Is there a way to specify to use the same credential file used in my interactive terminal for sfdx
ran from sfdx ?
Maybe you can use the following commands:
$ sfdx force:org:display -u <OrgUsername> --verbose --json >
$ sfdx auth:sfdxurl:store -f authFile.json
The first command generates a forceurl in the JSON file and the second command uses the file generated by the first to login.