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How do I prevent <span> element from getting created if certain property in $root is null?

I display some text in a <span> element which looks like this

<span data-bind="text: $root.participants()[_propkey].Currency"></span>

When root.participants()[_propkey].Currency is null, I get an empty space on page.

How do I prevent this span from getting created if root.participants()[_propkey].Currency is null


  • you can use virtual elements and the if binding to achieve what you're after

    var vm = {
      Currency : ko.observable()
    span {background-color: cornflowerblue}
    <script src=""></script>
    Currency span 
    <!-- ko if: Currency -->
    <span data-bind="text: Currency"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->
    is here
    <br />
    Test: <input data-bind="textInput: Currency">