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Cumulative Binomial Distribution in Power Query

I'm looking to do a cumulative binomial distribution in power query. The data I have is:

  1. Employee
  2. Audits Completed
  3. Failed Audits

I want to know the probability that an employee with less than a 5% audit failure rate is good or lucky. Example, if an employee is audited 20 times with 0 failures, a binomial distribution will say the probability of that with a 5% true failure rate is 36%, so that employee may be lucky. Example 2, for an employee audited 100 times with 1 failure, I would calculate they have 0.6% chance of having 0 failure given a 5% failure rate, and a 3.1% chance of 1 failure, for a 3.7% cumulative chance of having 1 or fewer failures by luck alone.


  • Here's how I did it.

    Starting data:

    starting data

    (please note fail% isn't the employee's fail %, it is the target fail % we are using for the binomial calculation)

    M Code:

      #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "s-list", each List.Numbers(0,[fails]+1,1)),
        #"Expanded s-list" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Added Custom", "s-list"),
        #"Added Custom1" = Table.AddColumn(#"Expanded s-list", "Binomial Distribution", each Number.Factorial([audits])/(Number.Factorial([audits]-[#"s-list"])*Number.Factorial([#"s-list"]))*Number.Power([#"fail%"],[#"s-list"])*Number.Power(1-[#"fail%"],[audits]-[#"s-list"])),
        #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Added Custom1", {"ee", "audits", "fails", "fail%", "binom"}, {{"Binomial Distribution", each List.Sum([Binomial Distribution]), type number}})


    First step uses the List.Numbers function to generate a list from 0 to the total number of failures enter image description here

    Second step expands so each each number in the list is on its own row enter image description here

    Third step adds the non-cumulative binomial probability for each number in the list enter image description here

    Fourth step groups it back up and sums up the binomial distribution for a cumulative distribution enter image description here