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Eclipse refactoring: move method inside collaborator

I have the following scenario:

public class Controller {

  private ModelRepository repository;

  public int getModelCount() {
    int count = 0;
    List<Model> models = repository.getModels();

    for (Model model : models) {
      if (model.somePredicate()) {

    return count;

Now, I'd like to move the getModelCount method inside ModelRepository by using some automated Eclipse refactoring so that I end up with this in the controller:

public class Controller {

  private ModelRepository repository;

  public int getModelCount() {

Is this possible in Eclipse Indigo? If yes, how? Thanks!


  • I don't think there is a single-hop refactor, but you can do it in two.

    First, highlight the contents of the getModelCount() method and do a refactor->extract method, calling the new method something like countModels.

    Secondly, do a refactor->move on the new countModels() method, selecting the repository field as the destination.

    This will leave you with a method on the ModelRepository called countModels rather than getModelCount. For completeness you could do a refactor->rename on this, but I prefer countModels anyway.