I am using Jooq version 3.16.6 with Java 11 and Spring Boot 2.6.6 and (PostgreSQL) 14.1
The issue i am having is with multiset , the non multiset query using the old join method works fine . However when using multiset and examining the sql i can see the word multiset actually in the sql query hence it thorws a syntax error
var result =
The above is the standard join method works fine
The below is the multiset version
var result =
I am using the getSQL to see the sql it is running which comes out as below
select "public"."users"."first_name",
multiset(select "public"."user_levels"."user_level_name"
from "public"."user_levels" where "public"."user_levels"."user_level_id" = "public"."users"."user_level_id") from "public"."users" where "public"."users"."username" = ?
The issue is obviously the multiset being in the sql which causes a syntax error.
I am at a loss as to why this is , unless its some setting for my postgres (which i don't think)
Any ideas ?
You probably haven't configured your SQLDialect
correctly, e.g.
See also: Spring Boot JOOQ sql dialect not picked up from application.properties