Search code examples

jqgrid Toolbar how to search/sort on custom formatted column with search toolbar

EDIT : I found out how, answer's below

I tried looking at other questions but can't figure how to solve my problem.

I load jqGrid with json datas. Here is an example of the json file :

{"statut" : "Inactive","name" : [{"LinkType":"user", "LinkText":"DINGO", "LinkSrc":"9443"}], "bands":""},
{"statut" : "Active","name" : [{"LinkType":"user", "LinkText":"BONNIE", "LinkSrc":"8591"}],"bands" : [{"LinkType":"band", "LinkText":"PARADE","LinkSrc":"PARADE"},{"LinkType":"band", "LinkText":"GLORIA KILLS", "LinkSrc":"gloria kills"}]}

On the jqGrid, the settings are these ones :

        datatype: 'json',
        url : 'json.php',
        regional: 'fr',
        filtering: true,
        sorting: true,
        paging: true,
        autoload: true,
        pageSize: 15,
        pageButtonCount: 5,
        ignoreCase: true,
        height: '100%',
        loadonce: true,
        gridview: true,
        colModel: [
            {name: 'statut', label : 'Statut', width:100, align: 'center', stype:'select', searchoptions:{value:':All;Inactive:Inactive;Active:Active'}},
            {name: 'name', label : 'Name', formatter: MyLinkFormater, unformat: MyLinkUnformater},
            {name: 'bands', label : 'Bands', formatter: MyLinkFormater, unformat: MyLinkUnformater}
        pager: '#pager',
    jQuery("#table").jqGrid('filterToolbar', { stringResult: true, searchOnEnter: false, defaultSearch: "cn" });

And here are the functions :

     function MyLinkFormater(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
        var i, res = "", linkInfo, preLink;
        if (cellvalue == null || !$.isArray(cellvalue)) {
            return " "; // empty cell in case or error
        for (i = 0; i < cellvalue.length; i++) {
            linkInfo = cellvalue[i];
            if(linkInfo.LinkType == 'band') {
                preLink = '?page=showBand&band=';
            if(linkInfo.LinkType == 'user') {
                preLink = '?page=showUser&e=1&id=';
            res += (res.length > 0 ? ", " : "") +
                '<a href="' + preLink + linkInfo.LinkSrc + '" >' + linkInfo.LinkText + '</a>';
        return res;
    function MyLinkUnformater(cellvalue, options, cell) {
        return $('a', cell).text();

Everything works fine except searching/sorting the Name or Bands column. I can't figure what I should do. Do I have to use beforeSearch and if yes, what should I do ?

Any help welcome, this is driving me crazy.


  • Ok I finally found out.

    The searching problem

    using this question I've added my functions to filter the formatters

    function setFilterFormatters(formatters)
            function columnUsesCustomFormatter(column_name)
                for (var col in formatters)
                    if (col == column_name)
                    return true;
                return false;
            var accessor_regex = /jQuery\.jgrid\.getAccessor\(this\,'(.+)'\)/;
            var oldFrom = $.jgrid.from;
            $.jgrid.from = function(source, initialQuery) {
                var result = oldFrom(source, initialQuery);
                result._getStr = function(s) {
                    var column_formatter = 'String';
                    var column_match = s.match(accessor_regex, '$1');
                    if (column_match && columnUsesCustomFormatter(column_match[1]))
                        column_formatter = formatters[column_match[1]];
                    var phrase=[];
                    if(this._trim) {
                    if(this._trim) {
                    if(!this._usecase) {
                    return phrase.join("");
                return result;

    And the my_formatter function

    function my_formatter(cellValue) 
        var i, res = "", linkInfo;
        if(cellValue==null || !$.isArray(cellValue)) {
            res += ' ';
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < cellValue.length; i++) {
                linkInfo = cellValue[i];
                res +=  linkInfo.LinkText + ' ';
        return $.map(cellValue,function(element) { return res; }).join(', ');

    The sorting problem

    And to fix the sorting problem, I used this answer and added the setting sorttype to the concerned columns which return the text only information, ie :

    {name: 'name', label : 'Name', index: 'name', formatter: MyLinkFormater, unformat:MyLinkUnformater, sorttype:function(cell, obj){ 
                    return cell + '_'[0].LinkText; 