I am doing a School Management System Project which is a desktop application using c#.net.In that My Module is Attendance of Students. I am Collecting a list of absent days of a student.
Now the Problem is to highlight the absent days of a student in a month calender in the Reports of Attendance.
For Ex, If the user select a student and Month, I will get a list of days for which he was absent. so, The student "ABC" absent for 3 days(8th, 16th,19th) in the January Month. So My requirement is to highlight these 3 days in Month Calender Control of C#.
Please Suggest me.
Thanks in Advance.
DateTime[] absentDates = {myVacation1, myVacation2};
monthCalendar1.BoldedDates = absentDates;
Look at here and here for more details about bold dates.
You cannot highlight dates by using the default properties. Here is a project that does the highlighting.