Assume the following two clases
class Person internal constructor(var name: String, var address: Address)
class Address internal constructor(var city: String, var postcode: String)
The JSON serialization of this is
{"name":"Bob","address":{"city":"London","postcode":"LO12 345"}}
On the API output, I want to serialise the address as a single string, and not an object. e.g. {"name":"Bob","address":"London, LO12 345"}
I can achieve this if I write a custom serializer for Person
, and even managed to work around the issue of only changing this single attribute instead of everything. However, I still have the issue that I now need to change how every single class that uses Address
I am wondering if instead, there is a way to writte a serializer for Address
that would only return a value instead of an object, much like a primive does. Then I am hoping that every single class that uses Address
, would behave as if Address
was a String
straight away and serialize it as such.
Is such a thing possible?
You can write a serialiser for Address
like this:
class AddressSerialiser: JsonSerializer<Address> {
override fun serialize(p0: Address, p1: Type?, p2: JsonSerializationContext?) =
JsonPrimitive("${}, ${p0.postcode}")
This serialiser outputs a JsonPrimitive
, which is a string containing the city and postcode.
You can then register this when creating a Gson
val gson = GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(, AddressSerialiser())
println(gson.toJson(Person("John", Address("Cambridge", "CB5 8HX"))))
{"name":"John","address":"Cambridge, CB5 8HX"}