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How to update Url used by UnityWebRequest to InputField?

I want the user to be able to change the ID of the link, which is why I used InputField to get their input. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out, how to make it work smoothly with a Coroutine. When I try to update the link, it just ends in an endless loop like with the implementation below. When I don't update the link the Coroutine seems to start without getting the input and gets stuck. I would really appreciate any help.

public class CSVDownloader : MonoBehaviour

    public static string googleSheetDocID;
    public static string url;
    public InputField InputField;
    public static string csvDownloaded;
    public static CSVParametersData downloadedData;

    public void Start()
        googleSheetDocID = InputField.text;

    public void Update()
        googleSheetDocID = InputField.text;

    public static IEnumerator DownloadData()
        Debug.Log(("In Coroutine"));
        //url = " format=csv";
        url = "" + googleSheetDocID + "/export?format=csv";

        UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(url);
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
        Debug.Log("Starting Download...");
        yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();


  • How about doing it in a few more steps?

    In the code presented above, the user interaction ends with keyboard input. So trying to do everything in real time is a problem.

    If the only user interaction is the keyboard, it is complex and difficult to achieve the desired task.

    If it were me, I would improve the code to make it easier to achieve what you want by proceeding like this:

    Add that script to your Button GameObject

    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.Networking;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    public class CsvDownloader : MonoBehaviour
      [SerializeField] private InputField inputField;
      private Button changeUrlButotn;
      private string googleSheetDocID;
      private string url;
      private void Awake()
        changeUrlButotn = GetComponent<Button>();
      private void OnChangeUrl()
        googleSheetDocID = inputField.text;
      private IEnumerator DownloadData()
        url = Path.Combine(
        using var unityWebRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(url);
        while (!unityWebRequest.isDone)
          yield return null;
          // Things to process in units of frames
          // when unityWebRequest has not finished downloading ex) progress
          // ...
        Debug.Log("Success DownloadData()");

    Separate the part that inputs the InputField with the keyboard and the part that updates the googleSheetDocID.

    FYI, as @Max Play said, infinite loop doesn't happen.

    Hope your problem is solved :)