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Whitespaces handler in Liquid not working

I cannot figure out how to remove whitespaces from the start and end of my strings.
My response body is:

    "value": [
            "nomeUnidadeOperacional": " ",
            "nomeCaixaPostalComunitaria": " ",
            "nroCaixaPostal": " ",
            "enderecoCaixapostal": " "

I tried using "| split" and "{%- assign item = body.value[0] -%}" as the documentation for liquid explain "whitespace control".

My set-body:

<set-body template="liquid">
        "Endereco": {       
            {% assign item = body.value[0] %}
            "caixaPostal": {
                "nome": "{{item.nomeCaixaPostalComunitaria | strip }}",
                "numero": "{{item.nroCaixaPostal | strip }}",
                "endereco": "{{item.enderecoCaixapostal | strip }}"

What I'm getting:

    "Endereco": {
        "caixaPostal": {
            "nome": " ",
            "numero": " ",
            "endereco": " "

What I expected:

    "Endereco": {
        "caixaPostal": {
            "nome": "",
            "numero": "",
            "endereco": ""

Sure i could use a if to test if the content is " " and replace it after, but i could have more than 1 whitespace and this option isn't elegant.


  • On API Management you need to write the Filter Capitalized.

    "nome": "{{item.nomeCaixaPostalComunitaria | Strip }}",