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Use VBA to @-Mentions a user in a Threaded Comment in excel

I added a UserForm into my file so comments can be added to a cell (that way I can update the data on other cells when a comment is added and someone is mentioned).

So far I can get the comment entered with no issues. But I can´t find a way to @mention a user so the notification is sent. Does anyone know if this is manageable with VBA?

Range("A1").AddCommentThreaded ("Comment text")


  • Answer
    By reading the documentation the method is not likely implemented in VBA and seems only a front end to Excel, but not visible to VBA itself. The only property that I found was "resolved" (which is not mentioned in the documentation of the object itself), but there is not a way to "resolve" it per say.

    enter image description here

    VBA does not resolve the user (even if it's correctly written) and most likely there is no native way to do so.

    Your only solution would be to implement it by yourself: according to your question, since you are using an UserForm I would append something like this

    Add the reference for outlook (you may use late binding, but I rather to add the references as it is better IMHO)

    enter image description here

    In a module, add the following:

    Function Return_TxtFoundContact() As String
    Dim ObjNamesDialog As Outlook.SelectNamesDialog
    Set ObjNamesDialog = Outlook.Session.GetSelectNamesDialog
    Dim ObjAddressEntry As Outlook.AddressEntry
        With ObjNamesDialog ' 1. With ObjNamesDialog
        .Caption = "Select contact to mention & notify": .ToLabel = "Mention:"
        .NumberOfRecipientSelectors = olShowTo: .AllowMultipleSelection = False 'although with this setting it lets user to select more than one recipient
        If .Display Then ' 1. If .Display
        TxtEntryID = .Recipients(1).EntryID: Set ObjAddressEntry = Outlook.Application.Session.GetAddressEntryFromID(TxtEntryID)
        Return_TxtFoundContact = ObjAddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
        End If ' 1. If .Display
        End With ' 1. With ObjNamesDialog
        Set ObjAddressEntry = Nothing: Set ObjNamesDialog = Nothing
    End Function
    Sub Test()
        Call Exec_SendNotificationMentionMail("", Range("E4"))
    End Sub
    Sub Exec_SendNotificationMentionMail(TxtEmailToSendTo As String, RangeCommentIs As Range)
    Dim AppOutlook As Outlook.Application
    Set AppOutlook = New Outlook.Application
    Dim ObjMailItem As Outlook.MailItem: Set ObjMailItem = AppOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
        With ObjMailItem
        ObjMailItem.To = TxtEmailToSendTo
        'since you may have many users under outlook, I rather to get the application username, however you may go to
        'to see how to get the username by outlook or use Environ("Username"), varies per needs/company to get the desired outcome
        ObjMailItem.Subject = Application.UserName & " mentioned you in '" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'"
        'If you wish, format it as microsoft would do, just research on how to give format to the htmlbody on outlook, for simplicity I just add the basic
        ObjMailItem.HTMLBody = Application.UserName & " mentioned you at: " & RangeCommentIs.Address(False, False) & Chr(10) & RangeCommentIs.CommentThreaded.Text
        'for debug purposes, display it, once you have verified it works as you would like, comment the line
        'Once you have verified it works as intended, uncomment this
        End With
        'Once you have verified it works as intended, uncomment this
        'Set ObjMailItem = Nothing: Set AppOutlook = Nothing
    End Sub

    In your userform, add a textbox where, upon double clicking, user agenda (per code above) would show up to select from the directory the person being mentioned

    enter image description here

    Private Sub TextBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Dim TxtFoundContact As String
        TxtFoundContact = Return_TxtFoundContact
        TextBox1 = TxtFoundContact
    End Sub

    enter image description here

    Finally, on your userform implementation when they hit "OK" or when your userform appends the comment to a mail and send it using the routine.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    OT: This method may be more useful than the actual one, you may select users that the workbook has not been shared with, if they get mentioned, but they do not have access yet, they can request it (I think the communication process will be faster with this). I am not quite sure if the original implementation allows it, but if needed, multiple people can be notified under the same mail too, you just need to adjust the code above to do so.