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Toggling components depending of the current path in Nuxt

My layouts/default.vue looks like this:

  <v-app style="background-color: transparent; color: unset">
          !$nuxt.isOffline ||
          $ == 'profile-downloads' ||
          $ == 'profile-downloads-id'
        style="min-height: 300px"
      <Footer />

import Footer from '@/components/Footer.vue'

export default {
  components: {
  async fetch() {
    await this.$store.dispatch('store/retrieveSettings')
    await this.$store.dispatch('store/retrieveMenus')

I don't want to show actHeader and Footer components into the first page(/) but in other pages(/about) I want to show these components.

I'm already aware of finding out URL and using watch like this:

watch: {
  $route (to, from) {
    //false actHeader and Footer Components!

and it's actually working but I'm looking for a better answer, maybe something more logical.


  • There is no special magic, use a conditional on each component, no cleaner way of doing otherwise (no need to over-engineer here).

        <act-header v-if="$ !== 'index'"></act-header>
        <nuxt />
        <footer-comp v-if="$ !== 'index'"></footer-comp>