When I create a kafka connect connector with the debezium connector, it results in four database connections. Three of them remain idle, while one works as the actual replication slot. I can't find any information about the expected number of database connections.
Here is my config that I post to /connectors
"name": "my.source.connector",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
"tasks.max": 1,
"plugin.name": "pgoutput",
"heartbeat.interval.ms": "0",
"slot.name": "slotty_slot",
"database.hostname": "localhost",
"database.port": "5432",
"database.user": "debezium",
"database.password": "************",
"database.dbname": "my_database",
"database.server.name": "server_name",
"topic.creation.default.replication.factor": "1",
"topic.creation.default.partitions": "20"
Is four connections normal? Or should it be one?
This was fixed by DBZ-5074. You should notice this being improved in the upcoming 1.9.3.Final or the Debezium 2.0 release due out later this year.