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Extracting several JSON object fields with one JSONPath without bracket notation

Using PostgreSQL, I need to extract one value from JSON, which could be at several different paths. For example, consider the following JSONs:

{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}


{"a": 1, "b": 2, "d": 4}

I need to extract fields c or d, getting 3 and 4 respectively.

I could use a JSONPath bracket notation for union, but unfortunately, PostgreSQL's implementation uses it for arrays only.
So, the idea works on arrays:

> SELECT JSON_QUERY(jsonb '[1, 2, 3]', '$[3, 2]' ERROR ON ERROR)

But it doesn't work for my case:

> SELECT JSON_QUERY(jsonb '{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}', '$["a"]' ERROR ON ERROR)
SQL Error [22033]: ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is not a single numeric value

Are there any ways to perform this task with one JSONPath expression?
I'd want to use this expression in JSON_TABLE call. Of course, there is an option to evaluate each expression separately, and then use COALESCE in plain SQL, but this

  1. Adds a separate transformation step
  2. Requires manual checking whether only one value was found. With ERROR ON ERROR, I have PostgreSQL checking this for me

So, I'd like to avoid this workaround if possible.


  • You can use a JSONPath ? filter expression based on .keyvalue() method.
    It's good to narrow things down with ?| operator to only process rows that hold a jsonb value with a c or d key, or both:
    demo at db<>fiddle

    create table test(jbdata)as values
     ('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}'::jsonb)
    ,('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "d": 4}');
    select json_query(jbdata,'$.keyvalue()?(@.key=="d" || @.key=="c").value' 
                      error on error) 
    from test
    where jbdata ?| array['c','d'];

    As a JSON_TABLE:

    select json_table.*
    from test
    cross join lateral 
      json_table(jbdata,'$.keyvalue()?(@.key=="d" || @.key=="c")' 
                 columns ( id for ordinality
                          ,k text path '$.key'
                          ,v int  path '$.value')
                 error on error)
    where jbdata ?| array['c','d'];
    id k v
    1 c 3
    1 d 4

    Note that ?| is only supported by the default jsonb_ops GIN index operator class but not the jsonb_path_ops. If you're using the latter, you need to replace ?| with @?, or @@:

    where jbdata @? '$.c' or jbdata @? '$.d';
    where jbdata @@ 'exists($.c) || exists($.d)';