I have an extensive form and I'm trying to organize this so that it remains practicable for the plan that I intend to have with it.
An example showing what my form looks like:
<input type="text" name="data[0][name]">
<input type="email" name="data[0][email]">
<input type="tel" name="data[0][phone]">
<input type="text" name="data[1][name]">
<input type="email" name="data[1][email]">
<input type="tel" name="data[1][phone]">
I want this to return as:
- data
- data[0]
- data[name]
- data[email]
- data[phone]
- data[1]
- data[name]
- data[email]
- data[phone]
But with new FormData(form);
and then Object.fromEntries(formData)
I'm just getting it on separate lines (as one large array).
Can someone help me with an easy way of converting these in a dynamic way because in my actual setup I have dozens of fields. So manually is not a desired option for me.
To convert a (single layer) NodeList of form elements into a nested object, using the form element name components, you can loop over the data form elements:
const dataform_obj = {} // instantiate empty object
// specify regular expression to capture name components
// for example: data[0][email]
const dataform_re = /^([^\[]+)(\[\d+\])(\[[^\]]+\])$/;
// convert form elements into array then loop
[...document.querySelector('#dataform').elements].forEach(function (elem) {
// capture name components
const match = elem.name.match(dataform_re);
// match[1] is first name, match[2] is index, match[3] is last name
// for example, ["data", "0", "email"]
// instantiate sub-objects if do not exist
if ( !dataform_obj[match[1]] ) {
dataform_obj[match[1]] = {};
if ( !dataform_obj[match[1]][match[1] + match[2]] ) {
dataform_obj[match[1]][match[1] + match[2]] = {};
// assign element value to object
dataform_obj[match[1]][match[1] + match[2]][match[1] + match[3]] = elem.value;
Above, a javascript regular expression is used to capture the various components of the form element name. Those components are then used to build the object hierarchy.
data: {
data[0]: {
data[email]: "",
data[name]: "",
data[phone]: ""
data[1]: {
data[email]: "",
data[name]: "",
data[phone]: ""
Online example: https://jsfiddle.net/n4m32wzh/
Perhaps, this is the format you're actually looking for:
data: {
0: {
email: "",
name: "",
phone: ""
1: {
email: "",
name: "",
phone: ""
Do that like this:
const dataform_obj = {};
const dataform_re = /^([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]\[([^\]]+)\]$/;
[...document.querySelector('#dataform').elements].forEach(function (elem) {
const match = elem.name.match(dataform_re)
if ( !dataform_obj[match[1]] ) {
dataform_obj[match[1]] = {}; // <-- this level can alternatively be an array using [] instead of {} since the component is a number
if ( !dataform_obj[match[1]][match[2]] ) {
dataform_obj[match[1]][match[2]] = {};
dataform_obj[match[1]][match[2]][match[3]] = elem.value;
Online example: https://jsfiddle.net/gnav6qb4/2/
If you already have a FormData Object, you can loop this way:
const dataform = new FormData(document.querySelector('#dataform'));
[...dataform.entries()].forEach(function (elem) {
// elem is an array: [element name, element value]