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automation alertmanager receivers

Good afternoon, maybe someone came across the automation of filling in receivers in alertmanager from custom pod annotations?

I mean, i want alermanager take receivers from pod annotations, like not to do it with hands. For example if namespace is _ then receivers is getting from example).

I mean can it's look like

- name: smthg
  - to: "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_custom_io_owner"

thank you in advance


  • Using labels to direct email notifications A handy feature of the Alertmanager is that almost all notification fields are templatable. This can be used to route emails based on labels.

    If you are sending email notifications directly to customers, it'd be useful not to have to create a route and receiver per customer in the Alertmanager. This can be useful whether you are a hosting company providing alerting on the machines you rent out, or the provider of a shared service within a company.

    I'm going to presume you already have a working email notification setup, such as was shown previously with Gmail.

    We start at Prometheus. We'll need to get the target email address into an alert label. Let's say you have constructed time series looking like:

    mymetric{job="myjob",email_to="[email protected]",instance="host1"}
    mymetric{job="myjob",email_to="[email protected]",instance="host2"}

    Then you can write an alert which propagates this email_to label such as:

    - name: test.rules
      - alert: MyAlert
        expr: mymetric > 1

    Now in the Alertmanager we need to do two things. We need to make sure each unique email address gets its own notification via grouping, and we need to make it then go to that email address.

      group_by: [email_to]
      receiver: email_router
    - name: email_router
      - to: "{{ .GroupLabels.email_to }}"
        from: [email protected]
        # Add whatever other settings you need to talk to your SMTP server
          subject: "You have {{ .Alerts.Firing | len }} firing alerts"
        html: |
          Hi {{ .GroupLabels.email_to }},
          You have the following firing alerts:
          {{ range .Alerts }}
          <li>{{.Labels.alertname}} on {{ .Labels.instance }}</li>
          {{ end }}

    Due to email_to being in the group_by, we can access it via .GroupLabels. By contrast as alerts with many different Alertname and instance labels could be in this one notification, we have to iterate over them to list t hem all.