I was trying to use a module in airflow called Secrets to pass secrets to KubernetesOperator in Airflow.
It should be imported as from airflow.contrib.kubernetes.secret import Secret
But I'm getting an error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'airflow.contrib.kubernetes'
I have tried to install apache-airflow kubernetes package pip install apache-airflow[kubernetes]
but this did not help.
The import is:
from airflow.kubernetes.secret import Secret
Note that the Secret class in Airflow can only reference secrets already exist in Kubernetes.
If you are looking to "pass" = generate secrets then it won't work. You first must create them in Kubernetes. You can do this by using create_namespaced_secret
of the Kubernetes Python SDK - see Using create_namespaced_secret API in Kubernetes Python client
Noting that there is open feature request to be able to use credentials passed from Airflow Connections to the POD running the workload.