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How do I make this a SafeUrl in Angular?

I created a Pipe

Looks like this

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';

  name: 'SafeUrl'
export class SafeUrlPipe implements PipeTransform {

  constructor(private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}
  transform(url: any) {
    return this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(url);


When I use it in my HTML

<td><a [href]="'callto:{{}}' | SafeUrlPipe">{{}}</a></td>

I have added it to my app.module.ts and imported it on the ts (for the page) that I am using it.

I am using Angular 13


  • For your pipe to work, it must be placed inside the interpolation curly brackets:

    {{ | SafeUrlPipe }}