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Is there a way to create nested router-outlet that replace a component partial in angular

Is there a way to load a component inside another component by changing the route. Let me explain: I have the basic route config in the app-routing.module.ts and the router-outlet tag in the app.component.html, which can navigate to a path setup in the route config.


const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'dashboard',  component:DashboardComponent},



So localhost:4200/dashboard - would load the dashboard component.

What I want to do is to put another <router-outlet></router-outlet> in the dashboard.component.html along with other html such as navigation bar, top bar etc. So that when I change the URL to localhost:4200/dashboard/user, it renders the user.component inside the dashboard.component in the place of router-outlet along with all the navigation bar, top bar etc. and not replacing the entire dashboard component with user component.

I am new to the Angular world so wanted to know if there are better ways to do it?

Extra info: I understand that @ViewChild can replace a part of a component but that would not directly change the url and also from the loaded view child if I want to render another child that replaces the loaded on would be difficult.


  • First configure the children to contain the two routes you need. Then create a new component called dashboard-wrapper, this will contain the html you want to share and the router outlet.

    const routes: Routes = [
          path: 'dashboard',  
          component: DashboardWrapperComponent,
          children: [
                  path: '',
                  component: DashboardComponent,
                  path: 'user',
                  component: UserComponent,

    The dashboard wrapper HTML will look like this.
