Given some sample data.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<category id="google">
<category idref="google"/>
And some jquery code to fetch the data.xml
$.ajax( {
url: '/data.xml',
dataType: 'xml',
success: function( data )
$data = $( data );
// fetch categories to display
$categories = $data.find( 'display > categories > category' );
} );
What is a efficient and compact method to resolve the category
elements to which the fetched elements in $categories
refer to by their idref
I've come up with something like the following:
$categories.each( function() {
var $category = $data.find( 'categories > category[id=' + $( this ).attr( 'idref' ) + ']' );
} );
But I thought there might be a more compact way of collecting the elements.
You can create id selectors from the idref
var referenced = $.unique($ {
var $found = $data.find("#" + $(this).attr("idref"));
return ($found.length ? $found[0] : null);
The code above uses map() and $.unique() to build an array containing unique instances of all the referenced <category>