I try to implement an app which would allow me to convert a PPT or PPTX files into jpgs and I plan to use it globally on my pc. The problem I am facing is that I don't know how to parse the file I open in the app. Basically I need the app to get the fullpath and filename when I open a specific file so hardcoding some specific route is out of question.
General idea: I take a ppt file and drag it onto the .exe file then it processes the ppt file and in the end i have a folder with all the jpgs in the same place as the ppt. This is what I have so far:
using Microsoft.Office.Core;
using System;
using PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint;
namespace PPInterop
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var app = new PowerPoint.Application();
var pres = app.Presentations;
var file = pres.Open(@"C:\presentation1.jpg", MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoFalse);
file.SaveCopyAs(@"C:\presentation1.jpg", PowerPoint.PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsJPG, MsoTriState.msoTrue);
Concerning the parsing I think you've already found Microsoft's way to do this by using code from Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint
But you're loading a JPG instead of a PPT or PPTX file. Drag & drop should also be possible by using args
as (at least Windows) will run the application with the dragged file as argument (see here).
So I think could be something like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0)
throw new Exception("No presentation file given");
var presentationFilePath = new FileInfo(args[0]);
if (presentationFilePath.Exists == false)
throw new FileNotFoundException("No presentation given");
var app = new PowerPoint.Application();
var presentation = app.Presentations.Open(presentationFilePath, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoFalse);
var jpgName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(presentationFilePath.FullName) + ".jpg";
presentation.SaveCopyAs(jpgName, PowerPoint.PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsJPG, MsoTriState.msoTrue);
Console.WriteLine("Converted " + presentationFilePath + " to " + jpgName);