I am reading Logical Foundations from Software Foundations series and i saw the plus_id_example
that is:
Theorem plus_id_example : forall n m:nat,
n = m ->
n + n = m + m.
intros n m.
intros H.
rewrite H.
reflexivity. Qed.
I could understand the solution, so i tried to solve it using absurd, what i want to do is:
Lets consider by absurd, that n+n <> m+m
, so we have 2n <> 2m
, n <> m
, which is a contradiction since we have n=m
as our hypothesis.
How could i write this using Coq tactics?
You can use one of the many contraposition-based lemmas in Coq: you can see them by using, for instance, Search "contra".
in Coq.
Using the ssreflect tactic language, a proof based on this idea can be obtained as follows (I'm sure there must be shorter proofs):
Theorem plus_id_example : forall n m:nat,
n = m ->
n + n = m + m.
move=> n m.
apply: contra_eq.
have twice : forall p, p + p = p * 2.
move=> p.
by rewrite -iter_addn_0 /= addn0.
by rewrite !twice eqn_mul2r.