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How to add conditional fill color in Chart.js area chart?

I am working on project that requires me to design a chart as the following diagram: enter image description here

I am using chart.js and react to make the distribution plot. But I am not able to figure out how to add fill color of the area chart between a particular range of values of the x-variable. So far, I am able to achieve this: enter image description here

I have used the following code to make the area chart as a react component:

const data = {
    labels: {DataLabel},
    datasets: [
            label: 'Blood Sugar Measure',
            data: {Data},
            fill: true,
            backgroundColor: ["#E5E5E5", "#E5E5E5", "#B4EDB3", "#B4EDB3", "#E5E5E5"],
            pointBorderColor: "#8884d8",
            pointBorderWidth: 2,
            pointRadius: 3,
            tension: 0.4

const options = {
    plugins: { legend: { display: false } },
    layout: { padding: { bottom: 0.1 } },
    scales: {
        y: {
            display : false,
            beginAtZero: true,
            grid: {
                display: false
            ticks: {
                color: "#000000",
                font: {
                    size: 18
        x: {
            beginAtZero: true,
            grid: {
                display: false
            ticks: {
                color: "#000000",
                font: {
                    size: 10
                min: 0

export const DistChart = () => {

    return (<div className="App">
        <Line data={data} options={options} />

I would need some help to apply the conditional fill color based on the x-axis variable.


  • I was able to make some progress on the design that I wanted, so thought of sharing my answer to benefit others. I was able to fill based on x-axis data values and get the following chart:

    I had to use the segment property inside data configs to achieve this, with the help of a function. This is the modified code:

    const highlightRegion = (ctx, value) => {
        if (ctx.p0DataIndex > boundary_val1 && ctx.p0DataIndex < boundary_val2) {
            return "#B4EDB3";
        return "#E5E5E5";
    const bgColor = ctx => highlightRegion(ctx, "#B4EDB3");
    const data = {
        labels: x_values,
        datasets: [
                label: 'Count',
                data: [0, 20, 40, 80, 150, 80, 30, 0],
                pointRadius: 0,
                fill: true,
                tension: 0.4,
                segment: {
                    backgroundColor: bgColor,
                    borderColor: bgColor,

    Special thanks goes to this youtube series from where I was able to find my answer:

    I will keep this post open, in case if there is a better solution as I think my solution is not absolutely correct.