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Installing maven on windows 7 64bit

I want to create a Tapestry Skeletion Project. I follow to these guide:, and other guides on the internet.

But, when I type "mvn --version" or "mvn -version", I always receive error "mvn is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

My friends use Windows 7 x86, and they had no problem. How can I install Maven 3.0.3 on Windows 7 x64?


    1. navigate to the Maven directory (e.g. in your explorer)
    2. go to a dir IN the bin
    3. copy the address in the address bar (F4 or CTRL+L, must end with bin)
    4. go to Start and type in env
    5. Select "edit the system evironment variables"
    6. find the PATH variable which must also have an existing value for Java as Maven needs Java.
    7. append a ; + paste the previously copied path.
    8. restart to update system
    9. run mvn install in the cli.
