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class file for redis.clients.jedis.JedisShardInfo not found

when I upgrade the jedis to version 4.2.3 in

    api "redis.clients:jedis:4.2.3"

show error:

/Users/xiaoqiangjiang/source/reddwarf/backend/retire/dolphin-common/src/main/java/misc/config/redis/ error: cannot access JedisShardInfo
        return new JedisConnectionFactory(redisConfig);
  class file for redis.clients.jedis.JedisShardInfo not found

this is the redis config:

    public JedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
        var redisConfig = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(redisHost, redisPort);
        return new JedisConnectionFactory(redisConfig);

why did this error happen? what should I do to fix it? I have searched from google seems no one facing this problem.


  • The class JedisShardInfo is removed since Jedis 4.

    The ShardedJedisPool, Sharded, ShardedJedis, BinaryShardedJedis, ShardInfo, JedisShardInfo classes have been removed.

    Here is the list of all breaking changes between Jedis 3.x and Jedis 4.x.