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Proof on inductive type in Coq

I try to prove the following theorem:

Theorem implistImpliesOdd :
  forall (n:nat) (l:list nat),  implist n l -> Nat.Odd(length l).

where implist is as follows :

Inductive implist : nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
 | GSSingle    : forall (n:nat), implist n [n]
 | GSPairLeft  : forall (a b n:nat) (l:list nat), implist n l -> implist n ([a]++[b]++l)
 | GSPairRight : forall (a b n:nat) (l:list nat), implist n l -> implist n (l++[a]++[b]).

During the proof, I reach the following final goal :

n: nat
l: list nat
a, b: nat
H: implist n (a :: b :: l)
IHl: implist n l -> Nat.Odd (length l)
Nat.Odd (length l)

But it seems an inversion can't do the job...

How can I prove the theorem ?

Thank you for your help !!


  • You can just proceed by induction on the implist predicate itself. E.g.,

    From Coq Require Import List PeanoNat.
    Import ListNotations.
    Inductive implist : nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
     | GSSingle    : forall (n:nat), implist n [n]
     | GSPairLeft  : forall (a b n:nat) (l:list nat), implist n l -> implist n ([a]++[b]++l)
     | GSPairRight : forall (a b n:nat) (l:list nat), implist n l -> implist n (l++[a]++[b]).
    Theorem implistImpliesOdd :
      forall (n:nat) (l:list nat),  implist n l -> Nat.Odd (length l).
    intros n l H. rewrite <- Nat.odd_spec.
    induction H as [n|a b n l _ IH|a b n l _ IH].
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl. now rewrite Nat.odd_succ_succ.
    - rewrite app_length, app_length. simpl. rewrite Nat.add_comm. simpl.
      now rewrite Nat.odd_succ_succ.