In step 4, after tapping on master item the detail screen needs to be shown
In step 4, after tapping on master item, the cell is selected but doesn't navigate to detail screen. It is stuck in the cell selected state. App doesn't hang but tapping on every cell highlights the cell but doesn't show detail screen.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
struct StudentList: View {
@StateObject var school = School()
@State private var selectedStudent: Student?
var body: some View {
List(school.students, selection: $selectedStudent) { student in
NavigationLink {
StudentDetail(student: student)
} label: {
struct StudentDetail: View {
let student: Student?
var body: some View {
if let student = student {
VStack {
Text("ID : \(")
Text("Name: \(")
} else {
Text("No student selected")
class School: ObservableObject {
@Published var students = [Student(id: 1, name: "aaa", marks: 100),
Student(id: 2, name: "bbb", marks: 83),
Student(id: 3, name: "ccc", marks: 42),
Student(id: 4, name: "ddd", marks: 92),
Student(id: 5, name: "eee", marks: 28)]
struct Student: Identifiable, Hashable {
var id: Int
var name: String
var marks: Int
This seems like a SwiftUI bug and should be reported to Feedback Assistant. The NavigationView
gets stuck in the column style when it should switch back to the stack style.
I have encountered a ton of bugs with the columns style NavigationView style and IMO it should not be used for production in it's current state. You could add .navigationViewStyle(.stack)
to the NavigationView to force it to stay in stack style and circumvent these problems.