I have a interactive workbook with 3 step-by-step buttons so the user can generate a report. I want 2nd macro to check if 1st macro was run and if not, warn the user with a Masgbox to run it first.
Is there a way to determine if a macro was run? Maybe putting a Call at the end of the first 2 macros where a public sub add +1 to a 'counter' variable?
For example:
Macro 2 check if counter = 1, Macro 3 check if counter = 2
Thanks in advance.
Public RunChecker As Long
Sub Macro1()
Select Case RunChecker
Case 1
MsgBox "You already ran Macro1. To continue, run Macro2.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
Case 2
MsgBox "To continue, run Macro3.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End Select
' Your code, e.g.:
MsgBox "Running1", vbInformation
RunChecker = 1
End Sub
Sub Macro2()
Select Case RunChecker
Case 0
MsgBox "You need to run Macro1 first.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
Case 2
MsgBox "You already ran Macro2. To continue, run Macro3.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End Select
' Your code, e.g.:
MsgBox "Running2", vbInformation
RunChecker = 2
End Sub
Sub Macro3()
Select Case RunChecker
Case 0
MsgBox "You already finished. To start again, run Macro1.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
Case 1
MsgBox "You need to run Macro2 first.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End Select
' Your code, e.g.:
MsgBox "Running3", vbInformation
RunChecker = 0
End Sub