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PHP dynamic breadcrumb script creates wrong URL after switching to PHP 8.0

I'm using a PHP script to create a dynamic breadcrumb navigation. I found it several years ago in another forum where it was originally posted in 2006. I updated it by removing some deprecated functions and it worked well so far. It creates the crumbs from the page URL:

$path = $this->_homepath;
$html ='';
$html .= '<a href="">Start</a>';

$parts = explode('/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$partscount = count($parts);
for($i = 1; $i < ($partscount - 1); $i++) { 
  $path .= $parts[$i] . '/';
  $title = $parts[$i];
  if ($this->_usereplacements == true) { 
    foreach($this->_replacements as $search => $replace) {
        $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title);
  if ($this->_replaceunderlines == true) { 
    $title = str_replace('_', ' ', $title);
  if ($this->_ucfirst == true) { 
    $title = ucfirst($title);
  if ($this->_ucwords == true) { 
    $title = ucwords($title);
  $html .= $this->_separator . '<a href="' . $path . '">' . $title . '</a>';

The current page title, i.e. the last element of the bradcrumb, is generated as follows:

$title = '';
if ($title == '') { 
  $title = $parts[$partscount-1];
  if ($this->_usereplacements == true) { 
   foreach($this->_replacements as $search => $replace) {
        $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title);
  if ($this->_removeextension == true) { 
    $title = substr($title, 0, strrpos($title, '.'));
  if ($this->_replaceunderlines == true) { 
    $title = str_replace('_', ' ', $title);
  if ($this->_ucfirst == true) { 
    $title = ucfirst($title);
  if ($this->_ucwords == true) { 
    $title = ucwords($title);
$html .= $this->_separator . '<b>' . $title . '</b>';

I only copied relevant parts of the script and spared eg. the function declarations.

After switching from PHP 7.4 to 8.0 I found that the script is messing up a bit. Consider a page with this url:

For the crumbs of site1 the script is now generating the URL insted of, whereas for site2 it shows instead of As you can see, the whole path is always added as a prefix before the actual path of the crumb.

I haven't found a solution yet despite looking over this thing for two days. I suppose there have been some changes in PHP 8.0 which causes this behaviour, but I haven't found any clues in the incompatibility list ( I printed §path and $title and they look like they should. When echoing $html after each iteration in the for loop it shows already the wrong URLs. That's why I think that probably the for loop is the problem here. Do you have any suggestions?

Any help on this would be very much appreciated.


  • I finally was able to figure out what causes the strange behaviour of the script. In the declaration of the breadcrumb constructing function there is $this->_homepath = '/';. Later on I assign $path = $this->_homepath;. When I echo $path its empty instead of showing the aforementioned "/". So I directly set $path = '/'; and now everything works again as it should.