I modified the code to generate a toast stack into a ToastContainer dynamically as a notification system. Now the toast do not autoclose even in close button click.
The code can be reproduced by copy and past inside of dimiss area in https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components/toasts/
const Tsty = (props) =>
<Toast show={ props.show } delay={ 3000 } autohide>
<img src="holder.js/20x20?text=%20" className="rounded me-2" alt="" />
<strong className="me-auto">{props.title}</strong>
<small className="text-muted">{props.time}</small>
render(<Tsty />);
function Example() {
const [listNtfy, setNtfy] = useState([]);
const style = { position: 'fixed', bottom: '60px', right: '10px', zIndex: '1000'}
return (
<Button onClick={() => {setNtfy([...listNtfy, {title: 'title #', time: 'now', body: new Date().toString(), show : true }])}}>Add Ntfy</Button>
<ToastContainer style={style}>
{ listNtfy.map( (x,i) => <Tsty show={ x.show } title={x.title + i} time={x.time} body={x.body} key={i} /> ) }
render(<Example />);
where is the error?
This doesn't close cause Tosty hook to show property that is not present in the hook. To solve it, you can define the show property and create a function to hide it. When all ntfys are closed, the list is cleaned.
const Tsty = (props) =>
<Toast show={ props.show } onClose={ () => {props.fcn(props.idx) } } delay={ 5000 } autohide>
<img src="holder.js/20x20?text=Q" className="rounded me-2" alt="" />
<strong className="me-auto">{props.title}</strong>
<small className="text-muted">{props.time}</small>
render(<Tsty />);
function Example() {
const [listNtfy, setNtfy] = useState([]);
// Function to autohide the ntfys
const autoHide = (key) => {
// Set visibility of Ntfy to hidden
listNtfy.filter((x,i) => i === key)[0].show = false;
// Apply the change
// Check all notifications is hide (if yes, reset the list)
if (listNtfy.every(v => v.show === false))
const style = { position: 'fixed', bottom: '60px', right: '10px', zIndex: '1000'}
return (
<Button onClick={() => {setNtfy([...listNtfy, { title: 'title #' + listNtfy.length, time: 'now', body: new Date().toString(), show : true }])}}>Add Ntfy</Button>
<ToastContainer style={style}>
{ listNtfy.map( (x,i) => <Tsty show={ x.show } title={x.title} time={x.time} body={ x.body } key={i} idx={i} fcn={ autoHide } /> )}
render(<Example />);