I need an Help for API response handling. I've created model class to convert API res. My issue is on Type the API response is changed for example
if type = 'Application'
"status": "success",
"message": "Active loan Fetched",
"data": {
"Application": {
"id": "",
"coapp_status": null,
"status": "pending-document",
"approved_amount": "3000",
"processing_fees": "450",
"type": "Application"
"timestamp": "2022-05-07 13:05:36",
"require_update": "yes"
and If type = 'Loan'
"status": "success",
"message": "Loan Fetched",
"data": {
"Loan": {
"id": "",
"policy_id": "",
"application_id": "",
"user_id": "",
"approved_amount": "8000",
"disbursment_amount": "6552",
"processing_fees": "1200",
"interest_rate": "480",
"pre_emi_interest": "31.5616",
"totalAmount": 8480,
"gst_processing_fees": 216,
"totalDisbursment": 6552.4384,
"current_emi_date": "10 Jun 22",
"current_emi_amount": "5088",
"current_emi_id": "51298",
"viewid": "",
"customermessage": "Your loan have been approved for Rs.8000"
"type": "Loan"
In Data Class The Object will be changed based on type
Error log:
Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>'
Model Class:
Application? application;
Loan? loan;
String? type;
String? sanctionLetter;
factory Data.fromJson(Map<String?, dynamic> json) => Data(
application: Application.fromJson(json["Application"]), => **Error if application not Found**
loan: Loan.fromJson(json["Loan"]), **Error if Loan not found**
type: json["type"],
sanctionLetter: json["sanction_letter"],
Map<String?, dynamic> toJson() => {
"Application": application!.toJson(),
"Loan": loan!.toJson(),
"type": type,
"sanction_letter": sanctionLetter,
I think problem is in null checking:
factory Data.fromJson(Map<String?, dynamic> json) => Data(
application: json["Application"] ? Application.fromJson(json["Application"]) : null, // **Because it can be null**
loan: json["Loan"] ? Loan.fromJson(json["Loan"]) : null, // **Because it can be null**
type: json["type"],
sanctionLetter: json["sanction_letter"],
application: json["Application"] != null ? Application.fromJson(json["Application"]) : null, // **Because it can be null**
loan: json["Loan"] != nul ? Loan.fromJson(json["Loan"]) : null,
Sorry for previous answer, I forgot to check for null