I have a table containing several kilometers about 100 table of kilometers
I need to rotate rows into columns like this pivot rows into columns
I think to use "with recursive", but there are few examples on the net ( I would be very grateful if you could help me solve the problem!
As I mentioned in the comments, this is probably something better solved in your presentation layer, instead of through a query. I'm not sure if this can be solved with a (recursive) CTE, but I can offer you a solution in PSQL using EXECUTE BLOCK
(this can also be done in the form of a stored procedure).
This solution maps rows to columns, and starts a new row when all columns have been filled.
execute block
returns (km_1 smallint, km_2 smallint, km_3 smallint, km_4 smallint, km_5 smallint,
km_6 smallint, km_7 smallint, km_8 smallint, km_9 smallint, km_10 smallint)
declare column_count smallint = 1;
declare km smallint;
for select km from kms order by km into km do
-- map value to column
if (column_count = 1) then km_1 = km;
else if (column_count = 2) then km_2 = km;
else if (column_count = 3) then km_3 = km;
else if (column_count = 4) then km_4 = km;
else if (column_count = 5) then km_5 = km;
else if (column_count = 6) then km_6 = km;
else if (column_count = 7) then km_7 = km;
else if (column_count = 8) then km_8 = km;
else if (column_count = 9) then km_9 = km;
else if (column_count = 10) then km_10 = km;
if (column_count < 10) then
column_count = column_count + 1;
-- row complete, output
column_count = 1;
if (column_count > 1) then
-- partial row
while (column_count <= 10) do
-- null remaining columns
if (column_count = 2) then km_2 = null;
else if (column_count = 3) then km_3 = null;
else if (column_count = 4) then km_4 = null;
else if (column_count = 5) then km_5 = null;
else if (column_count = 6) then km_6 = null;
else if (column_count = 7) then km_7 = null;
else if (column_count = 8) then km_8 = null;
else if (column_count = 9) then km_9 = null;
else if (column_count = 10) then km_10 = null;
column_count = column_count + 1;
-- output partial row
In Firebird 4.0 you can achieve the same result with window functions.
with col_row as (
mod(row_number() over(order by km) - 1, 10) as column_group,
(row_number() over(order by km) - 1) / 10 row_group
from kms
min(km) filter (where column_group = 0),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 1),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 2),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 3),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 4),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 5),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 7),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 8),
min(km) filter (where column_group = 9)
from col_row
group by row_group
For Firebird 3.0, replace min(km) filter (where column_group = n)
with min(decode(column_group, n, km))
or min(case when column_group = n then km)
(where n is 0, 1, .., 9).