Consider the following simple Flags Enum in C#:
public enum CountingEnum
Zero = 0,
One = 1 << 0,
Two = 1 << 1,
Three = Two | One,
Four = 1 << 2,
Five = Four | One,
If I want to know whether one value contains another, I can write a simple extension method using the bitwise logical AND (&) operator. This looks a lot like Enum.HasFlag, but I'm writing it out for a reason. This method needs to know the Enum type, and HasFlag only works on matching enum types. I want a generic solution that works across types:
public static class CountingEnumExtensions
public static bool Contains(this CountingEnum value, CountingEnum target)
return (value & target) == target;
This lends itself to a clean syntax for checking if one Flags value contains another:
if (CountingEnum.Five.Contains(CountingEnum.Four))
// Yep!
if (CountingEnum.Four.Contains(CountingEnum.Five))
// Nope!
But what if I have another Flags Enum? I could make another extension method each time I want to do this, but that isn't very sustainable. .HasFlag is also no help:
if (CountingEnum.Three.HasFlag(AnotherCountingEnum.One){
// System.ArgumentException
I could just manually use this everywhere, but it isn't very readable for the bitwise non-literate:
if ((SomeEnum.Value & SomeEnum.Target) == SomeEnum.Target)
// Dunno!
But is there a general solution? The following will not compile, of course, but it conveys the idea of what I'd like to have:
public static class EnumExtensions
public static bool Contains(this Enum value, Enum target)
// Cannot apply operation '&' to operands of
// type 'System.Enum' and 'System.Enum'
return (value & target) == target;
Is there a general solution to perform a bitwise logical AND against any two Flags Enum values of matching type?
If their signs are not important, you can try to unsigned integer type conversion.
public static bool Contains(this Enum value, Enum target)
uint y = Convert.ToUInt32(value);
uint z = Convert.ToUInt32(target)
return (y & z) == z;