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Creating an app variant in a firebase unity project

I have en existing app (e.g in Unity, that occasionally pulls content from firebase in the live environment (after being built).

Now I am trying to make a second build, with a different project id ( This second build does not use firebase after being built - it loads data from firebase before being built, and therefore already contains the needed data.

I have added as a second android app in my firebase configuration, but when trying to install the resulting app2.apk there's a clash between it and the existing installed app1.apk.

Below is the error Unity is showing when I press it's "Build and Run" button.

adb: failed to install C:\Users\*\*\*\*\app2.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER: Scanning Failed.: 
Can't install because provider name (in package is already used by]

My question is, how can I change the provider name in app2 so both app1 and app2 can coexist on the same device?

(I need to interface with firebase shortly before building, so I can't just remove the SDK).


  • Alright, so I ended up just removing the SDK, that works.

    Sorry to anyone who has some similar problem.